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Denounce Vialism

2 Corinthians 4:6-7
For God, who said,
“Let there be light
in the darkness,”
has made this light
shine in our hearts
so we could know
the glory of God
that is seen in the face
of Jesus Christ.
But we ourselves are like
fragile earthen vessels (vials)
who have this precious light,
the good news about salvation,
shining in our hearts.
This makes it clear
that our great power
is from God,
not from ourselves.


Junk Shop
Oahu, Hawaii
Kahuku Farms
Twenty One Pilots Gallery
Spring 2017

Shop Sevenapples


Nico And The Niners
Track 9 on Trench
We denounce Vialism
You will leave Dema and head true east
We are banditos

The Gospel According to Twenty One Pilots


Excerpt from C.S. Lewis’
“The Screwtape Letters”
Chapter XXII

“…a man’s sense of ownership
in general is always to be encouraged.
The humans are always putting up
claims of ownership which sound
equally funny in Heaven and in Hell
and we must keep them doing so.
Much of the modern resistance
to chastity comes from men’s belief
that they “own” their bodies —
those vast and perilous estates,
pulsating with the very energy
that made the worlds…
And all the time the joke is
that the word “Mine”
in its fully possessive sense
cannot be truly uttered
by a human being about anything.
For in the long run
only our father Satan
or our enemy Jesus
will be able to say “Mine”
of anything that exists,
and especially of each man.”

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