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When The Hour’s Late

Job 4:12-17
Listen, a secret word
was delivered to me;
my ears caught hold
of a whisper.
It came to me
in a disturbing vision at night,
when people are in a deep sleep.
Fear gripped me,
and my bones trembled.
A spirit swept past my face,
and my hair stood on end.
The spirit stopped,
but I couldn’t see its shape.
There was a form before my eyes.
In the silence I heard a voice say,
“Can a mortal be innocent before God?
Can anyone be pure
before the Creator?”


1.  What does this verse say about who God is?

2.  What does it say about who God created you to be?

3.  Create an iWill Statement that turns your discovery into action.


Track 2 on Trench
Come down, come down
Cowards only come through
when the hour’s late
And everyone’s asleep, mind you
The Gospel According to Twenty One Pilots


Lord, I keep having a discouraging
dream where I’m wandering around
my life looking for some way to
support my family.  But I never
succeed in finding anything good
or satisfying; I find myself relegated
to waiting tables again, and I end up
broke and miserable and I feel like
a failure.  At some point in this
recurring dream, I always develop a
subtle awareness that I’m dreaming,
and then I remember and proclaim
to myself that the dream is a lie and
that I’m a pastor.  I amproviding for
my family.  I am satisfied in my work.
When this happened last night, that
truth immediately eased my burden.
However, the comfort came slowly,
as if through a fog.  And then the
comfort was diminished with the
realization that I have no retirement
plan, no nest egg, no 401k.  Father,
I hate these feelings of inadequacy.
I hate that they invade my rest.
My identity and my future and my
confidence are in you, Lord.  Are you
warning me about something with
this dream, or is it the enemy?

(I open my bible to Job 4:12-17)

Lord, there are spirits down here
with us who are NOT from you;
who do NOT speak for you.  Thank
you for leading me to this story;
this Truth.  My dream was NOT
from you.  It was full of fear and
shame and guilt and discouragement
and failure.  It made me question you
and your love for me.  That is NOT how
you speak to your kids.  Help me hear
you, and you alone.  Help my students
hear you.  Help me teach them how.

Friend, God shared this story in Job
to let people knout that our enemy
is a dreadfully adept opportunist.
He specializes in attacking us
when we are most vulnerable.
If cowards are throwing hand grenades
from the dark, speak the name of Jesus.
If you find yourself harassed and helpless
late at night, speak the name of Jesus.
If fear has you by the throat,
speak the name of Jesus.
There is power in the name of Jesus.


Twenty One Pilots Gallery
Burnt Biscuit Ranch
Conroe, Texas
Summer 2018

Shop Sevenapples

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