Tore The Curtains Down
Hebrews 10:19-22
Dear brothers and sisters,
we can boldly enter
heaven’s Most Holy Place
because of the blood of Jesus.
By his death,
Jesus opened
a new and life-giving way
through the curtain
into the Most Holy Place.
And since we have
a great High Priest
who rules over God’s house,
let us go right into the presence
of God
with sincere hearts
fully trusting him.
Not Today
Track 13 on Blurryface
Heard you say, “Not today”
Tore the curtains down,
windows open, now make a sound
Heard your voice, “there’s no choice”
Tore the curtains down,
windows open, now make a noise
The Gospel According to Twenty One Pilots
Clear The Way
Twenty One Pilots Gallery
Village Temple
Bethlehem, Israel
Winter 2019
God bless you, friend.