To Discern God’s Will Together
Below are instructions for
facilitating prayer and worship
services according to
Matthew 18:19-20,
which reads:
Remember this:
If two or three of you
come together as a community
and clearly discern about anything,
my Father in heaven
will bless that discernment.
For when two or three
gather together in my name,
I am there in the midst of them.
Begin by having each participant
spend time alone with the Lord
(10-20 minutes).
• Grab a Bible, pen, and paper.
• Ask God what he wants to say
to you / your house church.
• If a particular Scripture
or book of the bible comes to mind,
read that. If not, open your bible
by faith and read until something
speaks to your heart.
• Write your response to what God
is saying.
Gather everyone together
after their prayer time.
• Invite each person to share
which Scripture/s spoke to them.
• Invite each person to share
what they feel God is saying
to them / the church.
• After each person shares, have
someone pray for them / the church.
common theme is emerging.
common theme.
to the theme.
calling the group to take.
for more resources.
God bless you, friend.