Sing A New Song
Psalm 96:1-6
Sing a new song to the Lord!
Sing a new song to the Lord!
Let the whole earth
sing to the Lord!
Sing to the Lord;
praise his name.
Each day proclaim the good news
that he saves.
Publish his glorious deeds
among the nations.
Tell everyone
about the amazing things he does.
Great is the Lord!
He is most worthy of praise!
He is to be feared above all gods.
The gods of other nations
are mere idols,
but the Lord made the heavens!
Honor and majesty surround him;
strength and beauty
fill his sanctuary.
1. What does this verse say about who God is?
2. What does it say about who God created you to be?
3. Create an iWill Statement that turns your discovery into action.
Rocky Martinez
Downtown Alley
Conroe, Texas
Winter, 2008
Winter, 2008
God bless you, friend.