Receive Your Refuge
Isaiah 54:11-12
O storm-battered city,
troubled and desolate!
I will rebuild you
with precious jewels
and make your foundations
from lapis lazuli.
I will make your towers
of sparkling rubies,
your gates
of shining gems,
and your walls
of precious stones.
1. What does this verse say about who God is?
2. What does it say about who God created you to be?
3. Create an iWill Statement that turns your discovery into action.
Priceless Protection
Antique Store
Houston, Texas
Fall 2005
I found this card electronically in an email. It speaks to me because I think the passage has prophesy ingredients about the bride of Christ…the new temple…the new church…the Holy Spirit within Us all…and the great commission that we have received because of the restoration of our foundation…our towers, our gates, our walls…our temple…it seemingly, albeit unconsciously, inspired the words of a fable written about a little flock from a business perspective: “And after having endured the hounding and heckling from the pundits, this elusive Team of extra ordinary chickens emerged battered, bruised, and a bit vulnerable…but knowing they had left their mark…even if no trace of their contribution remained…these were the ones who had the guts to take on the Good Work…the ones who were crazy enough to believe they could Change the Game…and through their efforts, they discovered the true meaning of love as the ultimate business strategy”
Jesus, thank you that whenever we feel storm-battered, troubled, or desolate, that our protection in those moments is precious to you. We join our hearts to pray for the peace and safety of everyone reading these words today. Please give us wisdom and discernment for any healthy boundaries that we may need to establish or re-enforce this year. Be with us. Be for us. Amen.