Miracle City
Acts 2:47
The disciples praised God
and found favor
with all the people of the city.
And each day the Lord
added to their fellowship
those who were being saved.
1. What does this verse say about who God is?
2. What does it say about who God created you to be?
3. Create an iWill Statement that turns your discovery into action.
The Texan At Dusk
Montgomery County Flag Park
Conroe, Texas
Winter 2020
Saint Paul in the book of Acts: God, sometimes we look at the life of Paul and say to ourselves that we cannot relate…as we are not a minister or a ministry…yet Paul was a tent maker and worked for his provisions…and in his travels, he focused on planting seeds of your Son with people and following up to continually encourage them…Your story of Paul shows us that we all don’t need a diploma in theology to be a minister…and we don’t need a 501c to be a ministry…and we need not rely on the charity of organizations to do your will…instead, we can all just be obedient to the thoughts you give us and the resulting calls to serve you put on our hearts and minds…Amen