In A Lion’s Den
Daniel 6:19-22
Very early the next morning,
the king got up
and hurried out to the lions’ den.
When he got there,
he called out in anguish,
“Daniel, servant of the living God!
Was your God,
whom you serve so faithfully,
able to rescue you from the lions?”
Daniel answered,
“Long live the king!
My God sent his angel
to shut the lions’ mouths
so that they would not hurt me,
for I have been found innocent
in his sight.
And I have not wronged you,
your Majesty.”
1. What does this verse say about who God is?
2. What does it say about who God created you to be?
3. Create an iWill Statement that turns your discovery into action.
My Blood
Track 4 on Trench
If you find yourself in a lion’s den
I’ll jump right in and pull my pin
And go with you, I’ll go with you
The Gospel According to Twenty One Pilots
In A Lion’s Den
Twenty One Pilots Gallery
Jumpsuit Sketch
The Woodlands, Texas
Fall 2018
Art By: Lillie Marusik
God bless you, friend.