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God’s House

Hebrews 3:2-6
Jesus was faithful to God,
just as Moses served faithfully
when he was entrusted
with God’s entire house.
But Jesus deserves far more glory
than Moses,
just as a person who builds a house
deserves more praise
than the house itself.
For every house has a builder,
but the one who built everything
is God.
Moses was certainly faithful
in God’s house as a servant.
His work was an illustration
of the truths
God would reveal later.
But Christ, as the Son,
is in charge of God’s entire house.
And we are God’s house,
if we keep our courage
and remain confident
in our hope in Christ.


Stained Glass Church
Stained Glass Window
Houston, Texas
Location N/A
Date N/A

Shop Sevenapples


1.  What does this verse say about who God is?

2.  What does it say about who God created you to be?

3.  Create an iWill Statement that turns your discovery into action.

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