Forever Loved
Psalm 103:16-17
Our days on earth
are like grass.
Like wildflowers,
we bloom and die.
The wind blows,
and we are gone—
as though
we had never been here.
But the love of the Lord
remains forever
with those who fear him.
Our days on earth
are like grass.
Like wildflowers,
we bloom and die.
The wind blows,
and we are gone—
as though
we had never been here.
But the love of the Lord
remains forever
with those who fear him.
1. What does this verse say about who God is?
2. What does it say about who God created you to be?
3. Create an iWill Statement that turns your discovery into action.
Alpha Omega Window
St. Thomas Aquinas Cathedral
Reno, Nevada
Fall 2007
Fall 2007
God bless you, friend.