Speak Good Words
Jeremiah 15:19 If you speak good words rather than worthless ones, you will be my spokesman. You must influence them. Do not let them influence…
Speak Tenderly
Isaiah 40:1-2 “Comfort, comfort my people,” says your God. “Speak tenderly to Jerusalem. Tell her that her sad days are gone and her sins are…
Above And Beyond
Colossians 3:23 No matter what your task is, work from the soul, as though you were working for the Lord and not for men. …
Set Free
2 Timothy 2:9-10 The word of God cannot be chained. So I am willing to endure anything if it will bring salvation and eternal glory…
This Little Light
Acts 13:47 I have made you a light to the nations, to bring salvation to every corner of the earth. DISCOVERY BIBLE STUDY 1. …
Words Matter
Matthew 18:19 Take this most seriously: A yes on earth is yes in heaven. A no on earth is no in heaven. What you say…
Pray For People
Exodus 32:13-14 When Moses prayed for the people, the Lord changed his mind. DISCOVERY BIBLE STUDY 1. What does this verse say about who…
Lead By Faith
1 Chronicles 22:12-13 May God give you discernment and understanding when he puts you in charge so that you will rule in reverent obedience under…
Give More Than You Take
1 Peter 5:2 Care for the flock that God has entrusted to you. Watch over it willingly, not grudgingly— not for what you will get…
Faith Works
James 2:14 What good is it, dear brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but don’t show it by your actions? DISCOVERY…
Salt Of The Earth
Matthew 5:13 You exist to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth. DISCOVERY BIBLE STUDY 1. What does this verse say…
Get Busy Living
Romans 14:8 If we live, it’s to honor the Lord. And if we die, it’s to honor the Lord. So whether we live or die,…
Live Well
Romans 14:17-18 The Kingdom of God is about living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. If you serve Christ…
Go And Make
Matthew 28:18-19 Jesus told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the…
Open Up
Matthew 5:16 Let your light shine. Be generous with your life. By opening up to others, you’ll encourage people to open up with God. …
Plant Seeds Of Peace
James 3:18 Those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness. DISCOVERY BIBLE STUDY 1. What does this…
Driven To Pray
1 Chronicles 22:12-13 May God give you discernment and understanding when he puts you in charge so that you will rule in reverent obedience under…
Make People Think
Matthew 5:16 You’re here to be light. So shine! Keep open house with your life. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open…
Prayer Is Power
Matthew 21:21-22 If you have faith and don’t doubt, you can say to this mountain, “May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,”…