By Faith
Hebrews 11:33-34
By faith
the people of old
overthrew kingdoms,
ruled with justice,
and received
what God had promised them.
They shut the mouths of lions,
quenched the flames of fire,
and escaped death
by the edge of the sword.
Their weakness
was turned to strength.
By faith
the people of old
overthrew kingdoms,
ruled with justice,
and received
what God had promised them.
They shut the mouths of lions,
quenched the flames of fire,
and escaped death
by the edge of the sword.
Their weakness
was turned to strength.
Faith is our super power.
Saint Statue
Chicago, Illinois
Rosehill Cemetery
Spring, 2012
1. What does this verse say about who God is?
2. What does it say about who God created you to be?
3. Create an iWill Statement that turns your discovery into action.
God bless you, friend.