Bless People
The B.L.E.S.S. Tool was created
by Pastor Dave Ferguson
to help the local church
restore the Missional movement.
The B.L.E.S.S. Tool is built around
the understanding that God’s strategy
for changing the world has always
been a blessing strategy.
We see this strategy right from
the beginning in Genesis 12:2-3,
where God says: “I will make you
into a great nation, and I will bless
you; I will make your name great,
and you will be a blessing. I will
bless those who bless you, and I
will curse those who curse you;
and all peoples on earth will be
blessed through you.”
Five Simple Ways To
Bless Our Neighbors
B :: Begin with Prayer
Prayer is how we discover our mission,
and how we complete our mission.
As such, we should begin praying
as soon as we get up.
We should be people who pray
as we walk our streets,
as we watch the news,
as we sit at work,
as we talk to our friends, etc.
Bless someone this week
by praying for them.
L :: Listen
Christians are known for talking;
we need to become known
for listening.
Consider a physician
with a stethoscope: Listening
precedes healing.
Bless someone this week
by listening to them.
E :: Eat
There’s something special about
sharing a meal with someone.
Inviting someone to grab lunch or
get a cup of coffee is a great way
to discover where they’re winning,
losing, or hurting.
Bless someone this week
by eating with them.
S :: Serve
When we interact with others by
listening to them or eating with
them, we inevitably learn
what’s going on in their lives.
When we hear a need that they
have, we should be intentional
by offering to serve them
in that place.
Bless someone this week
by serving them.
S :: Share
Once we’ve paid the relational rent
by praying for, listening to,
eating with and serving
the people we encounter,
we’ve earned the right
to share our faith story.
Bless someone this week
by sharing your story with them.
A sermon by Justin Ulmer
explaining the B.L.E.S.S. Tool.
God bless you, friend.